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East End of Rundle

Kananaskis Country, AB

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East End of Rundle (EEOR) is located just beside Whitemans Pond and before Goat Creek parking lot. You have the option of either parking at the Goat Creek trailhead/parking lot and walking ~100 m back towards Whitemans Pond or you can park right in front of Whiteman's Pond.


The trailhead to EEOR is a bit hidden and requires some "where's waldo"-ing. About 50 m into your hike, you should see a warning sign that warns hikers to not engage unexploded bombs/charges if found. It is very hard to get lost on this trail, thus just follow it all the way up until you start to see a ridge. You will notice that the treeline is reached relatively fast, but that does not mean you should not worry about the danger of seeing a bear!


There are two options as to how one may reach the peak of EEOR:

(1) You can follow a well-beaten path and climb a steeper section of EEOR with a lot of loose rocks (this is the most common path hikers take.... it is also the more dangerous route).

(2) You can head east and scramble up the east side of EEOR where the possibility of being struck by loose/falling rocks is a lot lower.​


Once at the top, you are rewarded of stunning views of Canmore, Ha-Ling Peak and the rest of Kananaskis Country. There is an old, metal ammo box where hikers leave behind momento. Sit tight, eat lunch and head back down! OR continue on to traverse the ridges heading west!


*Start the hike early to avoid the high volume of people going to Ha-Ling or EEOR.



6 km

881 m 

4 Hour



Kananaskis, AB

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